Inverse Dynamics for Discrete Geometric Mechanics of Multibody Systems With Application to Direct Optimal Control
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
In this paper, we present efficient algorithms for computation of the residual of the constrained discrete Euler–Lagrange (DEL) equations of motion for tree structured, rigid multibody systems. In particular, we present new recursive formulas for computing partial derivatives of the kinetic energy.
Kognitive Modelle zur virtuellen Absicherung der mentalen Belastung bei Montagetätigkeiten
28th DfX Symposium
To conduct ergonomic assessments of assembly stations, various methods and tools, especially digital human models, are available. These models are used to evaluate physiological criterias of handling assembly parts, tools and assembly processes. The cognitive workload of the assembly worker is an additional criteria to evaluate its workplace. Therefore a method is necessary to evaluate the cognitive workload of an assembly task, too. To reach this goal we use cognitive models.
Virtual test persons based on diverse anthropometric data for ergonomics simulations and analysis
49th NES 2017 Conference" Joy at Work", Lund
This paper describes a study where diverse anthropometric data is included in the process of generating data for a group of virtual test persons. Data on body size, strength and ROM were either collected on an individual level or predicted and synthesized and then used in cluster analyses to generate six unique virtual test persons.
Development of an ergonomic evaluation tool for health-promoting physical workplaces
International Conference on Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors
There is evidence that modern sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for health, while ergonomics tends to overprotect the work force by limiting physical activity during working hours. The paper reports on the development of an Ergonomics assessment tool for simulation and field analysis. It follows a bandwidth approach targeting a balanced physical workload and is based on a review on existing evaluation methods for physical aspects of work routines and on health promotion.
Visual Feedback for Grasping in Virtual Reality Environments for an Interface of Instruct Digital Human Models
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
Digital Human Models (DHMs) are widely used in big industry whereas they are not used in small and medium-sized enterprises. One of the main reasons is the complexity and usability. Engineers need a notable amount of training to be able to use DHM software. The authors suggest a new interactive Virtual Reality (VR) interface to instruct DHMs.
Ternary sparse matrix representation for volumetric mesh subdivision and processing on GPUs
15th Symposium on Geometry Processing
In this paper, we present a novel volumetric mesh representation suited for parallel computing on modern GPU architectures. We use an alternative representation in the implementation of several parallel volumetric mesh algorithms. We compare these algorithms with their counterparts based on OpenVolumeMesh and achieve speedups from 3x to 531x, for sufficiently large meshes, while reducing memory consumption by up to 36%.
Entwicklung eines ergonomischen Bewertungstools für gesundheitsförderliche physische Arbeit
Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft
[only available in German]
Der Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung eines ergonomischen Bewertungssystems für die Arbeitsplatzgestaltung. Es ist für den Einsatz mit digitalen Menschmodellen im Rahmen der konzeptiven Ergonomie als auch mit physiologischen Messsystemen für die korrektive Ergonomie vorgesehen.
Anforderungsanalyse einer Montagesimulationssoftware zwecks Aufwandsminimierung manueller Konfigurationsaufgaben
8. VDI/VDE-Fachtagung Useware 2016. Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im Industrie 4.0 Zeitalter
[only available in German]
Die Konfiguration von Digitalen Menschmodellen zur Absicherung von Montagetätigkeiten erfolgt heute manuell. Eine Aufgabenanalyse zeigt sowohl die Arbeitsschritte als auch die zu treffenden Entscheidungen auf.
Instruction of Digital Human Models Through Interaction in Immersive Virtual Environments
18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
The use of digital human models is nowadays complex and needs specific knowledge due to its complex user interface. This paper presents a possible approach to instruct digital human models in virtual reality environments.
Creating and shaping the DHM tool IMMA for ergonomic product and production design
International Journal of the Digital Human 1 (2), 132-152
The history, status and outlook of the research and development actions associated with the creation of the digital human modelling tool intelligently moving manikins (IMMA) are described. The underlying fundamental concepts are described and research and development results so far are illustrated or referred to.
Exploiting sparsity in the discrete mechanics and optimal control method with application to human motion planning
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
In this paper we propose the use of sparse finite differencing techniques for the Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control method. In particular we show how to efficiently construct estimates of the Jacobian and Hessian matrices when the dynamics of the optimal control problem is discretized using a variational integrator.
Mueller-Roemer, J. S. (2017). Ternary Sparse Matrix Representation for Volumetric Mesh Subdivision and Processing on GPUs. (pp. 36:5:1467-8659). London: Computer Graphics Forum.